18 May 2012

My First Giveaway...and My First Fondant

Dear all...I'm very happy today - 100 000 is a big number, and I'm celebrating with my first attempt at creating a fondant covered cake (recipe follows). 
But,  first things first,...let me tell you who are winners of my giveaway.
Since 30/04, when I announced giveaway, I got 115 entries. All your names where written on paper pieces, put in a hat and then winners pulled one by one.  Winners are following 3 ladies:
- Tamara -  What's for dessert? (Croatia)
- Jelena  - f o o d f o r t h o u g h t (Serbia)
Congratulations ladies; please send me your addresses to 

Now, the recepies...
Fondant is made from marshmallows, following Nanny's recipe. Thanks Nanny for all the tips!
Cake is 'Coconut and Lemon Cake' that I have for long time (copied  from a library book, probably)

Ingredients: (for a 23 cm cake)
(I used only 1/2 of  recipe - for a small cake) 
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
5 large eggs
1/3 cup lemon curd (recipe)
2 tbs lemon juice
zest of 2 lemons
3 cups cake flour
1 tbs baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup coconut
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup milk 
This is original recipe; I've cut the cake in half and filled with 1 cup of lemon curd! I decorated it with marshmallow fondant.

Dragi moji...Danas sam jako sretna - 100 000 je veliki broj, i ja  slavim uz moj prvi pokusaj kreiranja torte pokrivene fondantom (recept slijedi)
Ali, najprije da vas upoznam sa pobjednicima mog darivanja.
Od 30/04, kada sam objavila  nagradnu igru, dobila sam 115 ulaznica. Sva vasa imena su bila napisana na papirice, stavljena u sesir, zatim dobitnice izvucene jedna po jedna. Dobitnice su sljedece 3 dame:
- Tamara -   What's for dessert?  

Cestitke damama; molim da mi posaljete svoju adresu na 

 A sad recepti...
Za fondant sam koristila recept od Nanny. Hvala Nanny!
Torta je 'Kokos i Limun Torta', recept koji vec dugo imam, a koji je vjerovatno kopiran iz neke posudjene knjige.

Sastojci: (za 23 cm obruc)
(ja sam koristila 1/2 smjese - za jedan mali kolac)
1 solja maslaca (250gr)
2 solje secera
5 vecih jaja
1/3 solje limun 'curd' (recept)
2 K soka limuna
ribana korica 2 limuna
3 solje brasna
1 K praska za pecivo
1/2 k soli
1 solja kokosa
2 k vanile
1 solja mlijeka
Ovo gore su originale mjere; ja sam kolac prerezala na pola i filovala sa 1 soljom limun'curd-a'. Dekorisano sa marshmalou fondantom.



  1. Meni izgleda da je fondant odlicno uspeo! Bravo Jasna!!! :)
    Cestitke dobitnicama... :) A i cestitke tebi na ovoj veeeelikoj brojci!

  2. Parabéns pelos 100.000 visitantes, o bolo ficou LINDO!!!
    Beijinhos :))

  3. Lijepo i uredno uraden fondant..ja ga takoder koristim,samo ja topim velike bijele bombone i kasnije dodajem boju po potrebi..jednostavno i uspijesno !!

  4. Čestitam na 100000 poseti. Fondan i tortica izgledaju prelepo. Ni ja ga nisam nikada pravila. Možda jednog dana... :)

  5. Baš je lijepa, elegantna tortica :)

  6. Looks so, so..pretty, very elegant..

  7. Cestitke od srca za 100. 000 posjetilaca. Predivan fondan. Cestitke i dobitnicama :)

  8. Jednostavno, a opet prekrasno. Ružice su divne. Baš mi je drago da si došla do te lijepe okrugle brojke posjetitelja i želim ti još puno posjetitelja! Veselim se iznenađenju :)

  9. Wow! This cake is perfect! Not bad for the first time. It is just so lovely X

  10. The rose looks super cute & fabulous..lovely cake!!
    Join me(Erivum Puliyum)
    in the following ongoing events-
    Show me Your HITS -Iron Rich Foods
    EP Series-Ginger or Pepper Corns

  11. HI JASNA, CONGRATS ON YOUR 100,000th VISITOR TARGET. WOW WHEEE1111 you made it !!..i know you will, because sincerely speaking, you have a fantastic blog with authentic recipes and lots of gourmet dishes too.
    i feel sooooo happy for you dear. have a great weekend and that fondant with very pretty roses looks very elegant.
    i am not after your gift my friend, but since you have my name on, it would not be proper to let go, so i will receive it from you gladly :) ... and great to have something to remember you by..i am soooo happy to receive this. will be in touch pretty soon via email.

  12. Congratulations to the winners! What a great looking cake; you are good!

  13. čestitke pobjednicama!! torta je krasna!

  14. hola ...es un hermoso pastel y delicioso me encantaría probar es una delicia,abrazos hugs,hugs.
