15 July 2013

Napoleon's Chicken (Marengo Chicken)

It is said that Napoleon's cook served this meal to Napoleon on the eve of The Battle of Marengo (northern Italy -1800.). Napoleon won,  and remained fond of the dish to the end of his days.

1 chicken - 1,5 kg (free range), cut into 8-10 pieces
1 1/2 tbs butter
2 tbs olive oil
salt and pepper
dash of nutmeg
1 tbs flour
1/2 cup white (dry) wine
1 cup (+) beef stock
juice of 1/2 lemon
Wash and pat dry chicken pieces. Heat oil and butter in a heavy bottomed pan, saute seasoned chicken pieces until golden brown. Spoon flour onto bottom of the pan, stir. Add wine and beef stock, cover and cook for 50 minutes. Arrange chicken on a serving plate and drizzle with lemon juice. Serve with rice, and / or baked vegetables.

Napoleonova Piletina (Marengo Piletina)

Kazu da je Napoleonov kuhar servirao ovaj obrok slavnom vojskovodji uoci Bitke kod Marenga (sjeverna Italija  -1800.). Napoleon je dobio bitku, i ostao ljubitelj ovoga jela do kraja njegovog zivota.

1 pile - 1,5 kg, rezano na 8-10 dijelova
1 1/2  K maslaca
2 K maslinovog ulja
so i biber
malo muskatnog oraha / djeviz oraha, prah
1 K brasna
1/2 solje bijelo (suhog) vina
1 solja (+) govedjeg temeljca / supe
sok 1/2 limuna
Operite komade piletine i posusite ih. Zagrijte ulje i maslac u  posudi sa debljim dnom. Proprzite zacinjene komade piletine dok ne postanu zlatno-zuti. Ubacite brasno na dno posude promijesajte, zatim uljite vino i temeljac. Prodrmajte i poklopite. Kuhajte oko 50 minuta. Prebacite u posudu za serviranje i zalijte sa limunovim sokom. Servirajte sa rizom i / ili pecenim povrcem.


  1. looks delicous and with this interesting story behnd-even more:)
    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  2. Прекрасно!Усещам аромата чак у дома:))))

  3. Zanimljivo! Uz ove sastojke moze samo biti preukusno :)

  4. Čini mi se da muškatni orah daje posebnu notu ovom jelu.

  5. Jako fino pripremljena piletina, ne znam jel mi bolje izgleda u tavici il na tanjuru. Super recept!

  6. Oh a proper historical recipe :-) Really cool, bookmarking it :-)

  7. Looks succulent, moist and tender. This is an excellent chicken dish!

  8. The chicken looks really juicy and tender!

  9. wow, totally loved its colour and texture:) Well done:)

  10. Chicken looks moist and delicious,great recipe.

  11. Wow, nikad nisam ovo pripremala. Izgleda mi odlicno. Belezim:)
