19 May 2014

Please Help

U Savi nestao muškarac iz Brčkog

Balkans never had so bad flood. Bosnia, Serbia and a part of Croatia are desperate! ...More than 1.200 000 people are affected. Tens of thousands had to be rescued / displaced. Landslides taking homes and bringing danger of moving (war)mines. Whole cities under water.
Still raining ...Please help as much as you can!
Here is link for help to all those countries.

To help Bosnia ( International):

Ac. Holder- Red Cross Society of BiH
Ac.No.- 140-101-12001533-88
Bank - SBERBANK BH d.d. Sarajevo
Address - Fra Andela Zvizdovica 1/A, 71000 Sarajevo BiH
Swift- SABRBA22
Bank Code- BA391401011200153388

Map of affected areas. 

My City  (Brčko) before and after the flood!
Photo: Produžena verzija


  1. Elzbieta HesterMay 20, 2014 at 2:48 PM
    What a disaster, Jasna! My thoughts are with the victims and their families...


    Jasna VarcakovicMay 20, 2014 at 3:35 PM
    Thank you Ela!


    IkaMay 20, 2014 at 10:02 PM
    Ovo je prestrašno draga moja, nadam se da je tvoja rodbina dobro. Toliko nesreće koja je pogodila našu regiju u jednom danu ni najstariji ljudi ne pamte...
    Ljudi su ostali bez svega, bosi i goli... strašno....


    Jasna VarcakovicMay 21, 2014 at 7:39 AM
    Hvala na javljanju draga....Moji su na sigurnom, ali dusa boli za svim ljudima koji su ostali bez svega. Tezak zivot za mnoge tek pocinje :-(

