17 July 2014

Pear and Raspberry Bread

"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us". (Alexander Graham Bell)

So true!

825 g can pear halves (or 3-4 peeled, cored pears, cooked in 1 cup water and 1 tbs sugar)
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 cups SR flour
1/2 tsp soda bb
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries


Preheat oven to 180*C; prepare a loaf pan, line with baking paper.
Chop half of pears, and puree the other half. Place pureed pears in a measure cup, top up with juice (to make up exact 1 cup of 'fluid').
Place all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix well then add egg, oil and other ingredients. Fold gently, until just combined. Transfer to pan and bake for 55-60 minutes. Cool bread slightly in pan, before taking it out.

Slatki Hljeb sa Kruškama i Malinama

"Kad se jedna vrata zatvore, druga se otvaraju; ali mi cesto dugo i sa zaljenjem gledamo za zatvorenim vratima, da uopste ne vidimo ona koja su se pred nama otvorila." (Aleksander Graham Bell)
Veoma istinito!

825 gr konzerva kruski (ili 3-4 oguljene kruske, skuhane u 1 solji vode i sa 1 K secera)
1 jaje, umuceno
1/3 solje braon secera
1/2 solje ulja
1 1/2 solja Samodizajuceg brasna
1/2 k sode bb
1/2 k praska za pecivo
1/2 solje malina (svjeze ili smrznute)


Zagrijte rernu na 18-*C; pripremite kalup za vekne, oblozite papirom.
Isjeckajte polovinu krusaka, propasirajte ostale. Stavite pasirane kruske u posudu za mjerenje, uspite sok / vodu u kojoj su se kuhale kruske da nacinite 1 solju tecnosti (250ml).
Suhe sastojke stavite u vecu posudu. Umijesajte jaje, ulje i ostale sastojke. Okrecite rucno masu dok se ne ujednaci. Smjestite u kalup i pecite 55-60 minuta. Rashladite malo u kalupu, prije nego izvadite na posluzavnik. Moze se zamrznuti.


  1. So, this is like basically all pears?! Got to try this, Jasna!
    btw, if you still want me on the reading list, it works if you put it under :http://feeds.feedburner.com/GrayApron.

    and ps: we are leaving to Croatia in a couple of days. Have I told you that I love your part of the world...?

    kisses, ela h.

  2. Mmmm, bas mi se dopada ova kombinacija, deluje preukusno:)

  3. Uvijek zanimljivi recepti. Ovo djeluje tako socno i ukusno :)

  4. Nice combination of pears and raspberries :)

  5. Bread looks so moist and yumm..

  6. It looks insanely delicious and moist.

  7. Slatki kruh s ovom kombinacijom voća još nisam jela, sigurno je prava delicija

  8. Bellova misao je baš istinita ! A istina je i da je ovaj slatku kruh super, meni izgleda baš sočno i pun dobrog okusa !
