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24 November 2014
Quick Burek (with ready made Phyllo Pastry)
A few of my (Aussie) friends have asked for a burek recipe with commercial phyllo pastry. Here it is!
1 packet phyllo pastry, 375 g (you might not need all)
1 tbs oil
2 onions, diced
400-500 g mince
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
50 ml oil (3 tbs + 1tsp)
1/3 cup sparkling water (+ jar to mix it with oil)
Sautee onion in oil, add mince and spices. Cook until meat change colour. Let it cool. Pour oil and water in a jar with lid.
Preheat oven to 190*C; prepare a round pan (pizza - 30 cm), spray with oil.
Place 5 sheets of phyllo pastry on bottom of pan, laying them over the edges of the pan.
Sprinkle each layer of pastry in the pan with water/oil mixture (shake every time before sprinkling). Place 1/2 of mince mixture, crush 4-5 sheets of pastry (to cover mince; alternatively you can layer 4-5 sheets) , sprinkle with water/oil. Place another 1/2 of mince, now return hanging sheets to cover mince, sprinkling each sheet again. At top place one, or two whole sheets, sprinkle with oil/water again and tuck in underneath. Cover with al-foil (do not let touch pastry; it will stick during baking) and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve cutting into wedges. (Fresh sliced onion, tomatoes or drinking yogurt is traditionally served with burek).
Brzi Burek sa gotovim korama
Nekoliko mojih (Australijskih) prijatelja je pitalo za burek recept sa gotovim korama. Evo ga!
1 pakovanje tankih kora za pitu (375 gr, necete sve potrositi)
1 K ulja
2 crvena luka, sjeckana
400-500 gr mljevene govedine
1 k soli
1/2 k crnog bibera
1/2 k kima u prahu
50 ml ulja
80-90 ml mineralne vode (+ 1 tegla za pomijesati sa uljem)
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk. Dodajte meso i zacine, przite dok meso ne promijeni boju. Ostavite prohladiti. Stavite vodu i ulje u teglu sa poklopcem.
Ukljucite rernu na 190*C; pripremite okrugli (pica) pleh. Nauljite ga pa postavite 5 listova tijesta, tako da krajevi vise preko ivica. Pospricajte svaku koru sa mjesavinom ulja i vode (protresite svaki put prije spricanja). Postavite 1/2 mesa preko dna tepsije; zguzvajte 4-5 kora, postavite preko mesa (mozete ih i postaviti bez kidanja i guzvanja). Pospricajte emulzijom obilato svaki sloj, zatim postavite drugu 1/2 mesa. Zavrnite kore koje su visile preko tepsije, spricajuci svaku. Na povrsinu stavite jednu ili dvije cijele kore, i fino ih podvucite ispod. Pospricajte ponovo, pokrijte al-folijom (pazeci da ne nalegne na tijesto - zalijepice se) i pecite oko 30 min. Skinite foliju pa dopecite jos 5 minuta. Servirajte toplo sa (luk salatom, paradajzom ili jogurtom).
21 November 2014
Fruit, Nut and Avocado salad
It is HOT today...40*C...which means salad for lunch!
Salads are often complete meals during summer in my household. We go creative with fridge ingredients; everyone adds what they like. Boys usually want something meaty (salami, ham, tuna...) while I prefer some fruit and nuts in it. Nice fresh dressing over it, and I don't need anything better.
What sort of salads do you like?
Ingredients: (for 1 person)
1-2 handfuls of salad greens (mixture)
1/4 avocado, sliced
3-5 strawberries, sliced
2-4 tbs walnuts, chopped
Orange Dressing (for 2-4 servings)
1 orange, juice + a bit of zest
4-5 tbs olive oil
pinch of pink salt
1 tsp mustard
1 tbs parsley leaves, chopped (optional)
Mix all ingredients, pour with orange dressing over it. Enjoy!
Salata sa avokadom, vocem i orasima
Danas je VRUCE...40*C...sto znaci salata za rucak!
Salate su ceste za obrok tokom ljeta u mom domacinstvu. Postajemo kreativni sa sadrzajem frizidera; svako ubacuje u svoj obrok ono sta voli.Decki obicno zele nesto 'mesno' (slama, sunka, tuna...) dok ja volim voce i orasaste plodove u salati. Fin preljev preko, i meni ne treba nista bolje.
Kakve salate vi volite?
Potrebno: (za 1 osobu)
1-2 sake mijesaneih listova salate
1/4 avokada, izrezan
3-5 jagoda, izrezane
2-4 K oraha, sjeckanih
Preljev sa sokom narandze (za 2-4 salate)
1 narandza, sok + jos malo ribane korice
4-5 K maslinovog ulja
prstohvat (pink) soli
1 k senfa
1 K lisca persuna, sjeckan (opciono)
Pomijesajte sve sastojke, pospite sa preljevom. Uzivajte!
16 November 2014
Onion bake
Onion is one of most often used vegetables in kitchens around the world, but it's almost always just a companion to other ingredients. With this recipe onion is presented as a star; it can be served as a snack (with crusty bread), or as a side dish.
4 large onions, sliced (1-1,5 cm )
oil spray for pan
100 ml white wine
1 cup cream
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 190-200 *C; prepare a large (shallow) baking dish. Spray it with oil. Place slices of onion onto it. Pour wine, then cream on top. Season with salt and pepper (carefully - Parmesan is salty) and place in oven for 12-15 minutes. Take out when cream starts caramelising, sprinkle with Parmesan and return for another 5 minutes. Serve warm.
Zapečeni crveni luk
Crveni luk je veoma zastupljeno povrce u mnogim kuhinjama sirom svijeta, ali uglavnom kao usputni sastojak sa drugim komponentama. Sa ovim receptom, luk je predstavljen kao zvijezda, u prvom planu. Moze biti posluzen kao 'snak' (na kriski kruha) ili kao prilog.
4 vece glavice luka, izrezane na 1-1,5 cm reznjeve
ulje za tepsiju
1 dl bijelog vina
1 solja pavlake
so i biber prema ukusu
1/2 solje rendanog parmezana
Ukljucite rernu na 190-200 *C; priprenite veliku ali plitku tepsiju. Nauljite ju i poredajte reznjeve luka. Zalijte s vinom, zatim i vrhnjem. Zacinite (pazljivo sa solju, parmezan je slan). Pecite oko 12-15 minuta, dok vrhnje ne pocne rumeniti. Pospite sa parmezanom i pecite jos 5 minuta. Servirajte toplo.
09 November 2014
Butter Chicken
Butter chicken was my introduction to Indian cuisine, some 17-18 years ago. I bought ready made sauce (jarred, from supermarket), and cooked it at home. I tried many brands and some recipes over the years; some of them good, some not so good. Here is one directly from India (slightly adapted) from a lady that I follow
Original recipe on Vimitha's blog.
500-600 g chicken meat , preferably with bones
1/4 cup yogurt
1/2 tsp garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp ginger, grated
1/2 tsp chilli powder
salt and pepper
1 tbs ghee
1 tbs butter (or oil)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds powder
1 onion, chopped or grated
1/2 tsp ginger, grated
1/2 tsp garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp Garam masala
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp Fenugreek powder
3/4 cup tomato paste
1/4 cup water
2-3 tbs cream
salt and pepper to taste
1-2 tbs coriander leaves, chopped
Mix all ingredients for marinade; set aside for 30 minutes +. Preheat your oven (or grill) and bake for 10 minutes on high.
Heat ghee and butter in a pan, add cumin seeds and fry for a few seconds, then add onion to saute. When translucent, add garlic and ginger and mix well. Place meat onto it, then add all other spices, water and tomato paste. Cook for 20 minutes then mix in cream. Season to taste and garnish with coriander leaves. Serve with rice or any Indian bread.
Butter Chicken
Originalni recept sa Vimithinog bloga.
500-600 gr piletine, najbolje sa nesto kostiju
1/4 solje jogurta
1/2 k bijelog luka, sjeckanog ili protisnutog
1/2 k djumbira, rendanog
1/2 k chili praha
so i biber
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
1/2 k kima u prahu
1 K maslaca
1 K masla
1/2 k djumbira, rendanog
1/2 k bijelog luka, protisnutog
1/2 k Garam Masala zacina
1/2 k chili praha
1 k korijandera u prahu
1/2 k fenugrek praha
3/4 solje ukuhanog paradajza, gustog
1/4 solje vode
2-3 K slatkog vrhnja
so i biber prema ukusu
1-2 K lisca korijandera, za ukras
Pomijesajte meso sa sastojcima za marinadu. Ostavite po strani 30 minuta +. Zagrijte rernu na visoku temperaturu i pecite 10-ak minuta.
U vecoj posudi, zagrijte masla i maslo pa proprzite kim. Dodajte luk i dinstajte. Ubacite bijeli luk i djumbir. Promijesajte, dodajte meso i ostale zacine. zalijte vodom i ubacite paradjz sos. Pokrijte i kuhajte 20 minuta. Uspite vrhnje i zacinite prema ukusu. Pospite liscem korijandera i sluzite sa rizom ili nekim Indijskim hljebom.
06 November 2014
Naan (from your oven)
Naan is Indian flat bread that is traditionally made in Tandoori oven (scroll down for photo), which means at very high temperature. Here is how you can make your own naan in an conventional oven.
Ingredients (for 4-6)
150 ml warm milk
2 teaspoons caster sugar
2 teaspoons dried active yeast
450 g plain flour
1/2 a teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus a little extra
150 ml natural yogurt
1 large egg, lightly beaten
For spreading-
5 cloves crushed garlic and chopped coriander leaves mixed with a bit of oil
extra butter for spreading baked bread
Mix milk, sugar, 1 tbs flour and yeast. Set aside until it starts frothing. Place it over flour (in a bowl) and add all other ingredients. Mix then knead into soft dough. Oil it lightly (spray OK), cover and let it rest (30+ min).
Preheat oven to highest temperature; place heavy baking sheet in the middle. Divide dough into 4, or 6. Roll out each piece into an 4-5 mm thick oval. Spread with garlic/ coriander/ oil mixture. When oven very hot , carefully place 2 breads on baking sheet. Bake for 5-6 minutes, or until puffed and starts getting colour. Take out and spread with some butter. Cover with foil (to keep warm and soft) until others are done.
Naan (Indijski ravni kruh)
Naan je Indijski hljeb / kruh koji se pece u Tandori pecnici; to je glinena pec, koja izgleda kao velika vaza. Vatra je od drveta, na dnu. Tanki komadi tijesta se 'zalijepe' sa strane i peku (slika dolje).
Po ovoj verziji recepta, naan mozete peci u svojoj rerni.
Potrebno (za 4-6 komada)
150 ml mlijeka, mlakog
2 k secera
2 k kvasca
450 gr brasna
1/2 k soli
1 k praska za pecivo
2 K ulja, + jos malo
150 ml yogurta
1 vece jaje, umuceno
Za premazivanje-
5 cena bijelog luka i
sjeckano lisce korijandera, pomijesano sa malo ulja
Jos maslaca za premazivanje gotovih
Pomijesajte mlijeko, secer, kvasac i 1 K brasna. Ostavite da se aktivira. Umijesite sa ostalim sastojcima, blago nauljite i stavite 30 min +.
Zagrijte rernu na najvisu mogucu temperaturu; postavite tesku tepsiju u sredinu.
Podijelite tijesto na 4 ili 6. Razvaljajte na 4-5 mm ovale. Premazite svaki sa mjesavinom bijelog luka i korijanderovog lisca. Pecite po 2, nekih 5-6 minuta ili dok se ne napusu i pocnu mijenjati boju. Izvadite, premazite maslacem, pokrijte folijom kako bi ostali topli i mekani dok druge ne zavrsite.
Tandoori oven
03 November 2014
Rhubarb and White Chocolate Tart
I love cakes which have differentiation in texture and taste, that makes them interesting for eye and taste buds. This tart is one of them - Truly beautiful dessert!
1 1/3 cups flour
2 tbs caster sugar
125 g butter, chopped
1 egg
½ cup caster sugar, extra
¼ cup custard powder
1¼ cups milk
1 vanilla bean, seeds scrapped (or vanilla extract)
250 g cream cheese, soft
125 g white chocolate, melted
Top layer-
300 g rhubarb, cut into 6 cm
finely grated rind 1 orange and juice of ½ an orange
¼ cup caster sugar, extra
2 tbs caster sugar
125 g butter, chopped
1 egg
½ cup caster sugar, extra
¼ cup custard powder
1¼ cups milk
1 vanilla bean, seeds scrapped (or vanilla extract)
250 g cream cheese, soft
125 g white chocolate, melted
Top layer-
300 g rhubarb, cut into 6 cm
finely grated rind 1 orange and juice of ½ an orange
¼ cup caster sugar, extra
Combine the flour, sugar and butter in a food processor and process. Add the egg and process briefly until mixture begins to form lumps. Remove and knead to form a soft dough ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out on a lightly floured surface and line a 35cm x 12cm rectangular tart pan with a removable base. Prick well with a fork and chill for 30 minutes.
Bake in a hot oven 200*C for 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 180*C and then bake for a further 5 minutes or until golden. Cool.
Combine the extra ½ cup sugar and custard powder in a saucepan, stir in the milk and vanilla then whisk over a medium heat until custard boils and thickens. Cover and chill until firm. Beat the cold custard until smooth. Gradually add cream cheese and melted chocolate and beat until smooth. Chill.
Combine the rhubarb, orange and extra sugar in a shallow pan and cook gently for 10 minutes or until just tender. Cool.
Spread the custard into the prepared base, top with the rhubarb and drizzle over any juice. Chill before serving.
Bake in a hot oven 200*C for 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 180*C and then bake for a further 5 minutes or until golden. Cool.
Combine the extra ½ cup sugar and custard powder in a saucepan, stir in the milk and vanilla then whisk over a medium heat until custard boils and thickens. Cover and chill until firm. Beat the cold custard until smooth. Gradually add cream cheese and melted chocolate and beat until smooth. Chill.
Combine the rhubarb, orange and extra sugar in a shallow pan and cook gently for 10 minutes or until just tender. Cool.
Spread the custard into the prepared base, top with the rhubarb and drizzle over any juice. Chill before serving.
Tart sa Rabarbarom i Bijelom Čokoladom
Volim kolace i deserte koji u sebi sadrze varijacije u teksturi i okusu, sto ih cini zanimljivim za oko i nepce. Ovaj tart je jedan od njih - uistinu divan desert.
Prhko tijesto-
1 1/3 solje brasna
2 K secera
125 gr maslaca, kockice
1 jaje
1/2 solje secera
1/4 solje vanila scroba (1 vanila puding)
1 1/4 solje mlijeka
vanila ekstrakt (ili secer)
250 gr krem sira, omeksalog
125 grbijele cokolade, otopljene
300 gr rabarbare, 6 cm komadi
ribana korica 1 narandze
sok 1/2 narandze
1/4 solje secera
Pomijesajte brasno, secer i maslac. Pulsirajte u multipraktiku, dodajte jaje i umijesajte. Istresite na povrsinu pa umijesite. Zamotajte i ostavite hladiti. Razvaljajte na pobrasnjenoj povrsini pravougaonik koji cete postaviti u 35 X 12 cm kalup. Nabodite viljuskom i ohladite .Pecite 10 minuta na temp 200*C, zatim 5 min na 180*C. Izvadite i prohladite.
Pomijesajte 1/2 solje secera i vanila puding, zalijte mlijekom i kuhajte dok se ne zgusne. Pokrijte i ostavite rashladiti. Umutite puding sa sirom i otopljenom cokoladom. Uspite preko rashladjenog tijesta.
Pomijesajte rabarbaru, narandzu i secer i kuhajte 8-10 minuta. Rashladite. Pospite preko krema u tartu Rashladite prije sluzenja.
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