Huh, 2 weekends of celebration in a row; first Catholic Easter, then Orthodox. Fortunately, this year I spent both of them at friends' houses, so I didn't have to cook a lot ( of course, I made coloured eggs - we cant have Easter(s) without them).
Time for something simpler - traditional Austrian bread rolls! They originated from 1760 and are named after
Emperor (Kaiser) Franz Joseph I of Austria. What makes them different from other bread rolls is their top divided into 5 symmetric segments, separated by curved cuts.
Recipe from
150 g flour (bakers strong, please)
135 ml water (skin warm)
10 g fresh yeast (instant can be used too)
Main dough-
350 g flour
140 ml water (+,-)
10 g salt
20 g lard or butter, melted
5 g malt (or 1/2 tbs honey)
Mix ingredients for starter, let it rise. Add other ingredients and knead into homogenous dough. Cover and let it rest for 20-30 minutes (warm spot). Divide into 10 balls, then shape them using any method shown down. Let them rise for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 220*C. Place a bowl with 1/2 cup hot water on bottom. Bake rolls for 5 minutes; open oven door to let steam escape, then lower temperature to 200*C and bake for another 10-15 minutes.
'Kaisersemmel' / Kajzer Pecivo
Uh, 2 vikenda proslave i feste za redom. Na svu srecu, ove godine sam bila gost oba vikenda, tako da nisam mnogo kuhala. Naravno, obojena jaja smo morali imati (oba Uskrsa; tako je kod nas!).
Vrijeme je za nesto jednostavno - tradicionalno Austrijsko pecivo. Datiraju jos iz 1760-e, a ime su dobile u cast Cara (Kaiser) Franz Joseph I of Austria. Sta ih cini drugacijima od drugih slicnih peciva je njihova povrsina koja je podijeljena u 5 simetricnih segmenata, koji su odvojeni zaobljenim rezom.
Startno tijesto-
150 gr brasna (za peciva)
135 ml mlake vode
10 gr svjezeg kvasca (moze i instant)
Glavno tijesto-
350 gr brasna
140 ml vode (+,-)
10 gr soli
20 gr masti ili maslaca, otopljen
5 gr sladi (ili 1/2 K meda)
Pomijesajte sastojke za startno tijesto; ostavite da nadodje. Dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite glatko, elasticno tijesto. Pokrijte i ostavite odmarati 20-30 minuta. Podijelite na 10 loptica, zatim ih oblikujte prema jednom od metoda prikazanih (gore i dole) . Ostavite ih da rastu oko 30 min. Ukljucite rernu na 220*C. Stavite posudu sa 1/2 solje vrele vode na dno, zatim ubacite kajzerice. Pecite 5 minuta, otvorite rernu da para izadje, smanjite temperaturu na 200*C pa pecite jos 10-15 minuta.
White bread rolls Rye bread rolls
Other techniques and/or tools of shaping kaiser rolls

Plastic stamps

By hand