I was born far away from any sea, but we had (still have) beautiful rivers full of this lovely fish. This is a simple way to prepare and enjoy it.
2 Rainbow Trouts (1-1,5 kg)
1/3 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
corn flour (fine polenta) for dusting
salt and pepper
Wipe (scaled) trouts, salt and pepper inside and out. Mix oil and crushed garlic; brush fish with with this, leaving most of the garlic inside. Dust well with fine polenta, pour some more olive oil on top, and bake for 40-45 minutes on 180*C.
Best served with corn bread ( recipe below).
Pastrmka iz rerne / peci
Ovu ribu najradije jedem...vjerovatno jer sam rodjena na kontinentu.
2 pastrmke (do 1,5 kg)
1/3 solje maslinovog ulja
2 cena bijelog luka
kukuruzno brasno, sitno
so i biber
Obrisite ociscene ribe, posolite i pobiberite sa svih strana i unutra.
Pomijesajte ulje i protisnuti bijeli luk, pa ovime premazite ribu, nastojeci da vecina bijelog luka ostane unutra. Pobrasnite sa svih strana, nauljite i pecite 40-45 minuta na 180*C. Najbolje je servirati sa projom / kukuruznim hljebom (recept ispod).