If anyone can have original recipe, this is it!
140 g butter, very soft
140 g sugar, caster
6 eggs
140 g dark chocolate, 55-65% cocoa, melted
110 g flour
3 g cocoa powder
apricot jam
200g chocolate (+oil) for glazing
Prepare 20 cm cake tin. Preheat the oven to 170*C.
Put egg whites into a bowl, make stiff 'foam' with 100 g sugar.
Mix butter and 40 g of sugar (another bowl) until fluffy, add egg yolks. Switch the mixer off, then add chocolate, flour, egg whites and cocoa. Fold in all ingredients.
Bake at 170*C 40 minutes.
When ready (slightly cooled), cut cake horizontally in 2. Spread apricot jam on first half, then reassemble it together. Warm some extra jam and top the cake. Let it cool.
For glazing, melt chocolate with 1-1,5 tbs oil and pour over the cake.
Keep out of the fridge.
How to make chocolate roses

Sacher torta
140 gr putera, omeksalog
140 gr secera
140 gr tamne cokolade (55-65% kakaa), otopljene
6 jaja, odvojenih
110 gr brasna
3 gr kakaa
dzem kajsija
200 gr cokolade (+ ulje) za preliv
Pripremite 20 cm obruc za torte, ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Umutite bjelanca sa 100 gr secera, u drugu posudu umutite puter, osttak secera i zumanca. Isljucite mikser, pa dodajte ostale sastojke, koje cete promijesati rucno.
Pecite oko 40 minuta, prohladite i prorezite napola. Namazite dzemom kajsije, sastavite ponovo, pa po povrsini namazite zagrijanim dzemom.
Za glazuru otopite cokoladu sa 1-1,5 kasikom ulja i prelijte preko torte.
Tortu cuvajte izvan frizidera.
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