For my mums' 70th Birthday!
Time consuming cake, that needs good planing and timing.
-Caramelized nuts:
250 g hazelnuts
100 g sugar (next time I'll put 150 g sugar)
-Gelatinous filling:
1 L milk
150 g sugar
3 packets of gelatin
1/2 L whipping cream
-Bottom layer:
6 tbs flour
100 g butter
2 egg yolks
8 tbs processed caramel/nuts mixture
-Layers 'in-between':
4 egg whites
10 tbs caramel/nuts mixture
2 tbs flour
1-First make caramel/nuts part, as you going to need it for many layers.
Put sugar in a saucepan, melt on high temperature. Don't stir, just swirl pan until sugar melted and golden brown. Add nuts, swirl to coat them and pour on AL foil to cool. When cooled, put into food processor and grind to coarse texture. Set aside.
2-Cook 0,5 l of milk with sugar. When boiled, add gelatin, mix well and add the rest of milk. Let it cool then put in fridge.
3-Meanwhile bake layers. Mix all ingredients (food processor) for bottom layer, bake 7-8 minutes on 180*C over AL foil in a 22 cm cake tin.
4-For 2 in-between layers, beat egg whites until stiff, add caramel/nuts mixture and flour. Fold in. Spread over baking (silicon) paper in 2 circles, that are smaller than first layer. Bake at 160*C, 10-15 minutes, or until golden.
When all layers ready and cooled, beat cream until stiff, add gelatinous milk mixture; watch it for right moment - when starts setting, but still 'pourable'. Mix well. Layering should be in this order:
Put first layer on bottom of a cake pan, pour 1/3 of milk/cream mixture, add first egg white layer (small-one), pour 1/3 of milk/cream , add another egg white layer, and finally pour the rest of milk/cream. Put it into fridge to set. When ready (3-4 hours), decorate the top with the rest of caramel/nuts crumbs.

Havana Torta
250 gr ljesnika
100 gr secera (sljedeci put stavljam 150 gr)
-Zelatinozna mlijecna masa:
1L mlijeka
150 gr secera
3 paketa zelatine (ili koliko je potrebno za 1,5 litru tekucine)
0,5 L vrhnja/kajmaka/slaga
Prva podloga:
6 kasika brasna
100 gr putera
2 zumanca
8 kasika grilijaza
4 bjelanca
10 kasika grilijaza
2 kasike brasna
Najprije napravite grilijaz, jer ce vam on trebati u svim fazama.
Topine secer na jakoj vatri; ne mijesajte nego posudu okrecite i treskajte na jakoj vatri. Kada postane zlatno-zuto, ubacite ljesnike. Preokrenite masu na AL foliju i ohladite. Ohladjeno sameljite.
Napravite mlijecno-zelatinoznu masu: Kuhajte 0,5 L mlijeka sa secerom, u provrelo umijesajte zelatin. Smaknite sa vatre, dobro promijesajte i ulijte preostalo 0,5 L mlijeka. Ostavite hladiti, zatim u frizider.
Napravite podlogu: Pomijesajte sve sastojke, pa na foliju/papir rasporedite smjesu u obruc koji cete koristiti. Pecite 7-8 minuta na 180*C. Ostavite hladiti u obrucu.
Napravite medju-slojeve: Umutite bjelanke u cvrst snijeg, dodajte grilijaz i brasno, pa lagano promijesajte. Rasporedite na papir za pecenje (2 kruga manjeg promjera nego obruc). Pecite na 160*C 10-15 minuta. Ohladite.
Kada je sve spremno, provjerite stanje mlijeka; treba da se pocelo zgusnjavati, ali jos u tecnom stanju. Tada umutite vrhnje/slag, dodajte mlijeko i dobro promijesajte.
Slaganje torte ide ovako:
Na prvu podlogu (koja je ostala u obrucu) nalijte 1/3 mlijecne smjese, postavite sloj sa bjelancima, naspite 1/3 mljiecne smjese, stavite drugi sloj od bjelanaca, i na kraju uspite preostali mlijecni krem. Stavite u frizider na 3-4 sata da se stegne. Kada je dovoljno stegnuto, pospite preostalim grilijazem.