I'm back...
For a while, I was spending time doing my 'old' hobby - sewing. Since I didn't do it for a few years, I got out of routine - it took me whole week to complete an outfit.
It became problem finding a nice outfit for 'petite' person. Average person in Australia is 1,6 m tall (ME), yet regular sizes are made for persons over 1,7 m. I'd like to know who makes decisions on commercial clothing and their sizes?!
Peri Peri is traditional recipe of South America, but I found information that Portugal has similar recipe, and so does Africa. The key here is smokey flavour of chillies.
1 whole chicken, split cut down the spine (or pieces with bones and skin)
1 red onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1-2 bird's-eye chillies, chopped
1 tbsp sweet smoked paprika
1 lemon, juice + zest of 1/2
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 small bunch of fresh basil
3-4 tbs olive oil
For serving - thyme
Place all ingredients (except chicken) into a food processor. Liquidise content, pour over chicken and marinate for 2 hours at least.
Preheat oven to 200*C, roast chicken until golden brown and aromatic. Sprinkle with thyme, before serving.
Piri Piri Pile
Evo mene nakon cijele sedmice borbe sa jednim 'kostimom'. Morala sam da sasijem nesto za sebe, jer je ponuda odjece za niske osobe ovdje katastrofalna. Obzirom da nisam sila jako dugo, izasla sam iz 'slifa' i trebalo mi je vise vremena nego obicno...
Piri Piri je recept Juzne Amerike, ali Portugal i Afrika isto imaju svoju verziju. Kljucni okus ovdje je dimljena paprika.
1 cijelo pile izrezano duz kicme (ili komadi sa kozom i kostima)
1 ljubicasti luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta / sjeckana
1-2 male papricice (okrugle, mirisljave, malo ljute)
1 K dimljene crvene paprike u prahu
1 limun, sok + korica od 1/2
2 K sirceta (bijelo vinsko)
1 K 'Worcestershire' sosa
1 manji svezanj svjezeg bosiljka
3-4 K maslinovog ulja
Za servirati - majcina dusica / timijan
Stavite sve sastojke (osim piletine) u sjeckalicu; ukljucite i sjeckajte sve dok ne postane skoro tecno. Prelijte preko piletine i marinirajte najmanje 2 sata. Ukljucite rernu i pecite na 200*C, dok ne postane zlatno zuto i aromaticno. Pospite sa timijanom prije serviranja.
Very delicious n yummy chicken!!
ReplyDeleteCook in any recipe with "Cilantro /Cumin & Just link in EP Series-Cilantro /Cumin Event
Erivum Puliyum
Hello Jasna.
ReplyDeleteI love peri-peri chicken! Thank you for the recipe :)
Hi Jasna, how are you, looks like a good treat, never seen this before. Bookmarked with thanks. Looks like I bookmarked a lot from your blog. ha ha . Sincerely, thank you so much. I will blog very soon. Wish I can sew.. Have a nice day
ReplyDeleteJasna, very yummy n delicious dear....
ReplyDeleteLove this chicken that we fist tasted in Portugal; thank you for sharing your recipe.
Zanimljiv recept i ja volim piletinu malo marinirati, jer nekad bude i dosadna samo pecena u rerni.
ReplyDeleteJa o sivanju pojma nemam. Pozdrav
A new recipe for me. Love the look of this!
ReplyDeleteIt looks saucy and delicious!
ReplyDeletewow...the chicken looks n sounds absolutely delicious !
ReplyDeleteOdlično pripremljena piletina , sviđa mi se !
ReplyDeleteSuper mi je što sama sebi nešto sašiješ kada zatreba, ja na žalost o šivanju baš ništa ne znam.