I met Rhubarb on Wednesday for the first time. The whole experience of learning about it in a new recipe, left so good impression at me that I made the same thing again today. This simple pie is making my weekend!
Shortcrust pastry-
1 ¼ cups plain flour
1/3 cup icing sugar
¼ cup almond meal
125g butter, from fridge cut into cubes
1 egg yolk
1-2 tbs cold water
¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
¼ cup blanched almonds
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup rolled oats
50g cold butter, cubed
2 apples, peeled, cut in chunks
5 stalks (200g) rhubarb, sliced
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tbs semolina or biscuit crumbs
¼ cup blanched almonds
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup rolled oats
50g cold butter, cubed
2 apples, peeled, cut in chunks
5 stalks (200g) rhubarb, sliced
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tbs semolina or biscuit crumbs
For glazing-
1 egg white, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons raw sugar, to sprinkle (optional)
Process flour with butter (or use your finger tips for rubbing), add other ingredients for dough and make a soft dough. Wrap into glad wrap and let it rest in a cool spot.
Place all ingredients for crumble into a food processor and pulls until large crumbs formed. Leave it aside.
Mix all ingredients for filling.
Switch oven to 170 *C.
Place dough between 2 pieces of baking paper and roll into a large circle (about 2-2,5 mm thick). Spoon a bit of crumble on bottom of pastry, place 1/2 of apple/ rhubarb mixture, add half of left crumble, then again apple/rhubarb and top with crumble. Bring sides of pastry up over the side of pile; press slightly with your fingers. Brush with egg white (and sprinkle with sugar if desired) and place in oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until pastry becomes golden and filling slightly collapsed.
Let it cool before slicing. Enjoy!

1 egg white, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons raw sugar, to sprinkle (optional)
Process flour with butter (or use your finger tips for rubbing), add other ingredients for dough and make a soft dough. Wrap into glad wrap and let it rest in a cool spot.
Place all ingredients for crumble into a food processor and pulls until large crumbs formed. Leave it aside.
Mix all ingredients for filling.
Switch oven to 170 *C.
Place dough between 2 pieces of baking paper and roll into a large circle (about 2-2,5 mm thick). Spoon a bit of crumble on bottom of pastry, place 1/2 of apple/ rhubarb mixture, add half of left crumble, then again apple/rhubarb and top with crumble. Bring sides of pastry up over the side of pile; press slightly with your fingers. Brush with egg white (and sprinkle with sugar if desired) and place in oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until pastry becomes golden and filling slightly collapsed.
Let it cool before slicing. Enjoy!

Izmrvljena Pita sa Jabukama i Rabarbarom
Ova jednostavna pita ce uljepsati moj vikend.
1 1/4 solje brasna
1/3 solje secera u prahu
1/4 solje mljevenih badema
125 gr maslaca, iz frizidera
1 zumance
1-2 K hladne vode
1/4 solje braon secera
1/4 solje badema, mljevenih ili sjeckanih
1/2 k cimeta
1/3 solje presovane zobi / jecma
50 gr hladmog maslaca, rezanog na kockice
2 jabuke, oguljene i isjecene na komade
5 stabljika rabarbare, izrezane sitno
2 K secera
1 K griza / krupice ili mrvica keksa
Za glazuru-
1 bjelance, blago umuceno
2 K zutog secera, za posuti po tijestu (opcija)
Istrljajte brasno i maslac prstima pa dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite tijesto. Naravno, ovaj postupak mozete uciniti sjeckalicom. Zamotajte tijesto u plasticnu foliju i ostavite na hladnom mjestu da se odmori.
Isjeckajte (u elek. sjeckalici) sve sastojke za mrvljeni dio. Treba da dobijete krupnije formirane mrvice. Ostavite po strani.
Izmijesajte sastojke za fil.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Postavite tijesto izmedju 2 komada papira za pecenje i razvaljajte veci krug oko 2-2,5 mm debljine. Pospite sredinu kruga sa malo 'mrvica', zatim stavite polovinu fila, polovinu preostalih mrvica, ponovo fil i na kraju mrvicastu masu. Podignite ivice tijesta, skupite ih prstima i priticnite blago uz fil. Premazite tijesto bjelanjkom (i pospite secerom ako zelite)
Stavite u rernu i pecite oko 40-45 minuta. Izvadite i prohladite prije rezanja. Uzivajte!
ReplyDeletejust try my mousse!:)
ReplyDeleteOh my, this looks delicious! I ate rhubarb so many times when I was a kid. My grandma used to have it in her garden and it was so sweet and wonderful. These days I can't find rhubarb in stores, I don't know why.
ReplyDeleteInteresantne su mi ove mrvice bez brašna, a rabarbaru nikako da probam
ReplyDeletePie looks wonderful!
ReplyDeletelooks amazing...
ReplyDeleteI have never tried this, looks superb..
ReplyDeleteWould love to have a slice... delish
ReplyDeleteJa volim rabarbaru i pravila sam kolac s njom. Odlicno se slaze sa jagodama, a ova kombinacija sa jabukama zvuci odlicno. Super mi je ovaj oblik.
ReplyDeleteJela sam kolač sa rabarbarom kupljen u Ikei, ovde nema da se kupi to voće - povrće :)
ReplyDeleteTvoj kolač izgleda lijepo a čini mi se da bi mogao sa raznim punjenjima da se pravi.
Svidja mi se ova pita i sastojci, sem rabarbare, prvi put cujem za to, moze neka zamena?
ReplyDeleteMima, mozes staviti same jabuke ili neko drugo voce...
DeleteIf ever get my hand on a rhubarb I will try this recipe. Unfortunately I never saw it in Saudi Arabia even in the imported fruit and vegetables section.
ReplyDeleteVidim oduševljena si rabarbarom, a ja nikak da ju upoznam, tak da nemam viziju kakvog je okusa. Ali pita izgleda fenomenalno!
ReplyDeleteDelicioso una verdadera tentación me encanta,saludos y abrazos.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to try baking with rhubarb, but I think I really need to try soon. This looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteA tart with crumble topping...wow...it looks heavenly!
ReplyDeleteVolim ovakve pite, a nakon upoznavanja sa rabarbarom i ja sam sa njom ostala u ljubavi :), do sada sam je kombinirala sa jagodama, a sigurna sam da je i sa jabukama dobro. Pita odlično izgleda !
ReplyDeleteZa rabarbaru znam samo da je kisela i da se koristi samo stabljika. Imam želju da je probam ako ikad naletim na nju.