Beetroot is so good for detoxification and blood purification; I was amazed that my boys didn't complain about this meal.
3 medium beetroots, peeled and sliced (like chips)
2 tbs oil
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
1 large onion, chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 chillies, sliced
2 bay leaves
1/3 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 cinnamon stick
2-3 tomatoes, chopped (or 1/2 a can)
100 ml coconut milk
1 teas salt
1 lime, juice
Heat oil, add mustard seeds. When they start releasing aroma, add onion and garlic . Fry for 5 minutes, then add spices. Mix well; place beetroot, tomatoes and coconut milk inside; bring to boil, cover and cook for 20+ minutes. Stir in lime juice and salt. Serve with rice.
Varivo (Kari) od Cvekle
Za divno čudo, dečki se nisu bunili ;-)
3 cvekle, srednje velicine, oguljene i sjecene (kao za pomfrit)
2 K ulja
1/2 k crnog sjemena gorusice / senfa
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
2-3 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
2 male papricice, sjeckane
2 lista lovora
1/3 k turmerik praha
1 k sjemena kima
1 komad kore cimeta
2-3 paradajza, sjecaka (ili 1/2 konzerve)
100 ml kokosovog mlijeka
1 k soli
1 limeta, sok samo
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite sjeme gorusice. Dodajte luk i proprzite oko 5 minuta. Zatim dodajte sve zacine, promijesajte, pa ubacite cveklu, paradajz i kokosovo mlijeko. Kuhajte pokriveno oko 20+ minuta. Posolite, ubacite sok limete. Servirajte sa rizom.
Hi jasna, wow! beetroot curry? I would have never thought of that recipe.. when I read your recipe title, the first thing I visualize was…
ReplyDeletehey beautiful color combination! .. trust me, I am a person who can paint better than cook..ha ha
for me, this with rice and fried chicken would be a complete meal.. have a nice day
first time here...i just loved the way u prepared this dish with coconut milk...happy to follow u here...do visit mine when u hav time :-)
ReplyDeleteOdličan recept!!!
ReplyDeleteVolim ciklu na sve načine a najdraži mi je svježi sok u kombinaciji cikla,jabuka,mrkva,limun...
Ovo jelo je po mom guštu savršeno. Jedem ciklu u svakom obliku: sirovu, pečenu, kuhanu... Baš mi paše u ovo zimsko vrijeme!
ReplyDeleteHi jasna, I visited you yesterday and posted a comment, wonder why its not published… anyway I said the beetroot curry is a great idea.
ReplyDeleteI am sure the colors combined will make this curry looks so beautiful and different, as compared to normal curries. A very innovative idea.. nice with rice and some fried chicken.. have a nice day
cveklu obozavam i moram da je koristim zbog krvne slike non stop,sa ovim sastojcima mora da je bas ukusna,hvala:)