My baking for upcoming festive season(s) has begun. A lot of biscuits and other home made gifts will be prepared in my kitchen. Let me start with recipes...
255 g white chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 tsp grated orange zest
1/4 cup (60 ml) double cream (45% fat)
1 tablespoon light corn syrup (or glucose)
3/4 cup (75 g) pistachios, chopped
3/4 cup (80 g) dried cranberries, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup (80 g) dried apricots, cut into small pieces
Line the bottom and sides of an 20 x 20 cm square baking tin with aluminum foil.
Process white chocolate (food processor, or grate it) until the chocolate is in small pieces. Add the orange zest and pulse just a few seconds.
In a small saucepan, over medium heat, bring the cream and corn syrup just to a boil. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate in the food processor and pulse until the mixture is smooth and the white chocolate has completely melted.
Transfer this mixture to a large bowl and stir in the chopped cranberries, apricots, and pistachios. Spread the mixture into your prepared pan and let it cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until firm. Cut into fingers. Store (covered) in the refrigerator.
Dragulji u Bijeloj Čokoladi
Vrijeme pripreme i pecenja za nastupajucu slavljenicku sezonu je otpocela. Mnogo kolacica, keksa i drugih domacih proizvoda ce biti proizvedeno u mojoj kuhinji i poklonjeno. Pustite me da otpocnem sa receptima...
255 gr bijele cokolade, sjeckane
1,5 k korice narandze
60 ml 'duplog' slatkog vrhnja (45% masnoce)
1 K glukoze (ili 'corn sirupa')
75 gr pistaca, sjeckanih
80 gr susenih brusnica (drenjka), sjeckanih
80 gr susenih kajsija / marelica, sjeckanih sitno
Stavite al-foliju preko pleha 20 X 20 cm. Izrendajte cokoladu (ili upotrijebite sjeckalicu), umijesjte koricu narandze.
Pomijesajte glukozu sa kremom (vrhnjem), zagrijte do vrenja. Prelijte preko cokolade, mijesajte dok se ne istopi. Umijesajte suseno voce i pistace. Uspite u kalup, pritisnite kasikom i ostavite prohladiti. Stavite zatim, u frizider dok se sasvim ne stegne. Rezite na duguljaste i uske prutice. Cuvajte (pokriveno) u frizideru.
О,каква красива и интересна идея!
ReplyDeleteПрекрасно Ясна:)
Tako jednostavno, a tako prekrasno. Recept je pravi dragulj!
ReplyDeleteOvo ti je božanstveno. Šteta što nije posno, mada može i sa čokoladom za kuvanje i biljnom pavlakom ali ona nema taj procenat masnoće mislim i ne bi se ovo divno voće tako lepo videlo. Prelepo izgleda.
ReplyDeleteHi Jasna, this dessert is beautiful, so colorful ...
ReplyDeletemust be delicious.
I'll see what I missed in your kitchen
Kako se ovo divno zove, a i kako divno izgleda!!!
ReplyDeletePredivno. Jel mogu cron sirum zamijeniti s žličicom meda?
ReplyDeletejako lijep recept
ReplyDeleteWoow... kako famozno izgleda, svaka čast Jasna! Sastojci su božanstveni, ma sve je divno!
ReplyDeleteKisss i lijepo pozdrav:)
Jao, što im je zgodno ime! A zaista ih najbolje opisuje.
ReplyDeleteUh, ovo je nesto zaista posebno.... Jako mi se dopada! :)
ReplyDeleteOMG this is def. bookmarked. Its too, too pretty to eat, but you know it will be.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen anything like this; just beautiful and must taste heavenly.
@ jubistacha
ReplyDeletePrvi put kad sam pravila, nisam imala corn sirup (ni glukozu), pa sam stavila 'Golden sirup' (puno slicnije medu). Pojelo se iako je bilo malo ljepljivo i ne tako cvrsto. Sa glukozom (ovoga puta) je puno bolje. Lijep pozdrav
your recipe is tooooooooo tempting...will surely try..:)
ReplyDeleteTasty Appetite
This is my first time visiting your site and I love what recipes I've seen so far. I make a lot of various types of chocolate bark this time of the year, mostly peppermint. I've never made this before. It's beautiful and such wonderful ingredients. I will be interested to see how it tastes with the addition of cream. I'm excited to try it. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteJust mouthwatering...looks so easy to prepare and delicious!
ReplyDeleteOvo ti je fantazija! Kakve boje! Ukus mora da je fantasičan?! Divne štanglice:) Bravo, mnogo mi se dopada:)
ReplyDeletepredobro izgleda i stvarno mi se čine jako ukusne
ReplyDeleteBaš je zgodno!
ReplyDeleteOvo je fenomenalno zaista