I love holidays. In my family I have Catholics, Orthodoxs and Muslims, which means a lot of cellebration during one calendar year.
Easter is my favorite. It reminds me of Spring, new beginnings, hope for a better future. It allows creativity to show off.
Easter is celebrated mostly by Christians (as resurrection of Christ), but the truth is that the celebration of Easter actually comes from paganism. Eggs (as a symbol of life cycle) and rabbits (symbol of fertility) were used for worshiping the mother goddess Ishtar, celebrating spring, warmer days and hoping for a good fertile year.
I love spending time with my family, decorating eggs (European style) and making all those delicious traditional meals, that only at Easter have special taste.
Chocolate cupcakes baked in egg shells
(I used 1/2 of following recipe, which is enough to fill 12-14 egg shells, cracked at the very top and rinsed)
5 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup cream
375 g dark chocolate
1 cup + 1-2 tbs flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
dash of vanilla
Heat cream and chocolate, stir until melted. Cool.
Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla, add creme/ chocolate mixture. Sift flour and baking powder on the top and fold gently. Transfer mixture to the piping bag, or strong plastic bag. Pipe into egg shells (muffin tins or similar will hold them upright), filling 3/4 of each egg shell. Bake at 170*C 12-15 min.
Ja obozavam praznike. U mojoj porodici imam Katolike, Pravoslavce i Muslimane, sto znaci puuuno praznika u toku jedne kalendarske godine.
Uskrs / Vaskrs mi je najdrazi praznik. Nekako me podsjeca na proljece, novi pocetak, nadu za bolju buducnost. Takodje dozvoljava creativnosti da se pokaze.
Uskrs je slavljen kod mnogih Kriscana (kao Kristovo uskrsnuce), ali zapravo ima korijen iz paganskih dana. Jaja (kao simbol novog zivotnog ciklusa) i zecevi (simbol plodnosti) su bili koristeni za slavljenje majke bozice (Ishtar), proljeca, dolazak toplijih dana i nade za bolju plodniju godinu.
Volim provoditi vrijeme sa mojim deckima, dekorirajuci jaja (nas nacin) i spremajuci ona specijalna jela, koja samo za vrijeme uskrsa imaju poseban ukus.
Čokoladni 'Cupcakes' u ljusci od jaja
(Koristila sam 1/2 od sljedeceg recepta, dovoljno za 12-14 ispraznjenih ljuski od jaja, koje ste razbili pri samom vrhu i isprali ih.)
5 jaja
3/4 solje secera
1 solja pavlake/ kajmaka/ krema
375 gr tamne cokolade
malo vanile
1 solja + 1-2 K brasna
1/2 k praska za pecivo
Zagrijte pavlaku i cokoladu, mijesajte dok se ne otopi, zatim prohladite.
Umutite jaja sa secerom, dodajte istopljenu smjesu i vanilu. Prosijte brasno i prasak za pecivo na povrsinu, pa rucno sjedinite. Prebacite smjesu u jacu plasticnu kesu i punite jaja do 3/4. (postavite jaja u male kalupe za mafine ili slicno, kako bi uspravno stajala.) Pecite na 170*C oko 12-15 minuta.
ReplyDeleteThis is indeed a fantastic resource. Thank you for making this publicly available.
Ova jaja su pravo iznenađenje kad ih oguliš.
ReplyDeletehi jasna, wow!! this is indeed authentic and gourmet.. nobody blogs on this recipe before. a real treat, bookmarked with thanks.
ReplyDeleteIts manageable to prepare, but its unique..
have a nice day
Jasna, hats off to you dear....amazing recipe....superb
ReplyDeleteDivna ideja, krasno iznenađenje za malene!
ReplyDeletewow, they look so funny!:)
ReplyDeleteLife and travelling
That'se, very nice, very cute eggs..
ReplyDeleteDaš lepo i efektno prezentovanje kapkejka. :) U ukus ne sumnjam. ;)
ReplyDelete...odlična ideja!... divan blog, pregršt interesantnih recepata...moram se baciti na proučavanje... lijep pozdrav ostavljam... :)
ReplyDeleteReally interesting I have never seen anything quite like these.Anyone would like to have some of these for Easter.
Super ideja!!!!
Kakva divna ideja!
ReplyDeletelooks so tempting n perfect for Easter !!
ReplyDeleteErivum Puliyum
Definitely yummy for tummy,awesum pics..n wonderfull presentation.
muy original idea fantástica me encantó,abrazos hugs,hugs.,
ReplyDeleteDivna ideja i super izgledaju.
ReplyDeleteKakva super ideja :)!
ReplyDeleteHow original these eggs. I love Easter too and actually I prefer it to Christmas. All is new and the weather gets better too. Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteBaš zgodno!
ReplyDeleteHI Jasna's... that interesting these recipes....Mexican Sweet Buns,Parisian Rolls filled with Creme Patisserie , i love the chocolate eggs , kisses and Happy Easter...MARIMI
ReplyDeleteHi Jasna, I understand you perfectly, I also like these days leading up to Easter, to spend with family.
ReplyDeleteI liked the eggs, your, beautiful and full of imagination.
I wish you a very sweet Easter.
What a fun idea! Love these egg cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteOvo mi je nešto sasvim novo i jako interesantno . Super Jasna, hvala ti za ovu ideju i recept ! Čokoladna jaja u ljusci super izgledaju !
ReplyDeleteOhoho, bas fino!Sretan Uskrs!!!